12 3209-9333 / 98114-1205

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 13h to 20h / Saturday: 13h to 18h

Vila Ema - São José dos Campos / SP

Curso de Tatuagem - Pen Tattoo

The Studio Pen Tattoo course offers the designers who wish to develop their skills and learn about the tattoo techniques. Didactic and practical way the student experience the routine of a tattoo Studio, learning techniques and developing each day more his talent.

The course lasts 3 months and its end is offered to the student a basic kit for tattooing.

Course Modules:

– Hygiene and asepsis for tattooing
– Drawing Techniques
– Technical Handling of tattoo equipment
– Practical lessons

Material offered free of charge after the end of the course:

1- Power Supply
1- Foot Pedal
1- Clip Cord
1- Tattoo machine to trace
1- Tattoo machine to fill

For more information contact us:
Phones: + 55 (12) 3209-9333 / 98114-1205
Email: contato@pentattoo.com

Agende uma Aula Experimental



Caso você também tenha interesse em aprimorar suas habilidades artísticas, conheça a escola internacional de artes PrismArts, lá você encontrará cursos de desenho, pintura , entre outros.

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