12 3209-9333 / 98114-1205

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 13h to 20h / Saturday: 13h to 18h

Vila Ema - São José dos Campos / SP

Opened in 2006, the Studio Pen Tattoo had opened his doors with all planned environment with the intention of bringing their clients and friends the best excellence in customer service. Pleasant air-conditioned environment and especially hygienic, which follows all the standards of supervision.

All materials used are sterile and discarded, excelling by total safety of our customers.

With ethics, respect, hygiene, security and other principles that guide our work, the Pen tattoo studio has gather member and clientele, which throughout these 7 years have become more than customers, becoming our friends.

To learn more about the Pen Tattoo Studio, pay us a visit, get to know the shop and check out our work!